Understanding the value of codesign: exploring participant experiences

Presenting Author: Vicki Durston

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation. It works to ensure that all Australians who are affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support. BCNA engages with consumers through various mechanisms, including training consumers through the Seat at the Table program, to ensure that lived experience is central to its work, and to be able to embed consumer representation in external projects that seek to improve outcomes for those with breast cancer. Healthcare professionals (HCPs), researchers, and other professionals are also important stakeholders that inform, support, and collaborate on BCNA’s work. National surveys conducted in 2023 reported that nurses play a key role in referring individuals to BCNA information and support services (Refer to Poster #45 “Enhancing Person-Centered Breast Cancer Care: Evaluating Information and Support Needs). There is increasing recognition of the benefits and value of including the voices and experiences of end-users into the design and development of services and products (codesign).