A nursing assessment tool to improve the flow and safety of patients receiving a lumbar puncture

Presenting Author: Veronica Percival

Lumbar Puncture (LP): A diagnostic and therapeutic procedure used in the treatment of haematological malignancy. Despite the benefits, LP-complications can include severe post-dural puncture headache (PDPH), bleeding, pain, neurological changes, and infection1

In a randomised controlled trial into PDPH and time spent lying flat post-LP, clinicians from the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) developed an LP Nursing Assessment Tool (“the tool”) for data collection. The tool was found to support Oncology Day Therapy Unit (ODTU) staff in managing patients receiving an LP.

However, audit data revealed inconsistent tool completion and > 66% of surveyed nurses reported it as “not at all user-friendly” or “needing improvement”. The results highlighted that the tool could be of significant value for the ODTU, but was limited by its design.