Hopelessly Devoted – Wellness and Supportive Care at the ONJ Cancer Centre Radiotherapy Department

Presenting Author: Kirsten Oataway

The Wellness and Supportive Care Team coordinate a range of evidence-based therapies and programs. They are designed to provide support, information and offer strategies to assist patients and loved ones during and after cancer treatment. The Covid 19 pandemic significantly impacted the ability to access and deliver these services. Opportunity arose to evaluate and address referral pathways that were being reopened or reinvigorated, for patients receiving Radiotherapy.

Exercise Physiology (EP) is offered to patients receiving treatment in the ONJ Centre as an outpatient service. Clinical trial evidence has established the role of individualised exercise training in reducing many treatment-related side effects, including fatigue. Fatigue is the most prevalent and problematic side effect among radiotherapy patients and therefore, exercise training plays an important role in maintaining quality of life this specific population.