Measuring Up Once More! A clinical audit of chair time for patients receiving Cisplatin to identify if practice change improved institutional chair time

Presenting Author: Zoe Feighan

At the Calvary Mater Newcastle outpatient Day Treatment Centre, between 2019 and 2021, a clinical audit was undertaken to determine if urine measurement prior to Cisplatin administration decreased the risk of nephrotoxicity in patients receiving Cisplatin chemotherapy. Data revealed that there was no increase in nephrotoxicity from withholding urine measurement for patients receiving cisplatin with a dose of 60mg/m2 or greater. Based on this data, a practice change was implemented. Patient’s receiving Cisplatin of 60mg/m2 or less were no longer required to have urine measurement prior to administration of Cisplatin.

A secondary clinical audit was undertaken, and pre and post data was analysed to determine if this change made a difference in chair time overall. Additional analysis was performed to compare the same regimens pre and post clinical practice change to highlight any differences between sub-groups.