Australian Cancer Plan and its implementation from a regional perspective

The VCCC Alliance is currently undertaking a project titled “Empowering Regional Cancer Care in Underserved Populations through a Regional Workforce Educational Support Strategy”, an initiative that focuses on implementing a national regional workforce educational support strategy to address the educational needs of the regional cancer workforce across Australia.

The first offering to kick start this project is a webinar, scheduled for 27th February 2025 from 12:30-2pm, which aims to explore the Australian Cancer Plan (ACP) from a regional perspective. It will highlight workforce education and the impact of The Plan on regional and underserved populations. 

This inaugural session will feature leading experts exploring the impact that the Australian Cancer Plan will have on regional, rural and remote communities across Australia. Cancer nurses, regardless of if they live and work in metropolitan, rural or remote areas, are encouraged to attend.

This initiative recognises the imperative that we all must work together towards equitable cancer care. An individual’s postcode should not influence their outcomes.

Topics covered will include:

  • Overview of the Australian Cancer Plan through a rural, regional, and remote lens
  • Implementing the Plan in rural, regional, and remote Australia
  • Initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities affected by cancer
  • Consumer advocate perspectives on the initiatives supporting people affected by cancer

Click here to find out more and register.

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