Research Surveys

CNSA supports the dissemination of surveys to ensure the inclusion of cancer nurses in research activity.

Survey Requests

Requests to recruit members of CNSA can be made for research purposes (e.g. survey and/or interviews).

The Research Standing Committee (RSC) meets monthly on the last Monday of every month to review survey requests.

Please note the following:

  • Only financial members of CNSA are able to request to recruit members.
  • The committee is not able to review survey requests that do not adhere to the survey request policy including providing the committee with a detailed protocol of the proposed and survey examples prior to ethics submission.
  • Requests need to be submitted by 9AM on the Monday prior to the RSC meeting for review.

Refer to the Survey Review Process and the Survey Policy for the guidelines, eligibility requirements and instructions for prospective applicants.

To submit your survey request, please complete the Survey Application Form by following the link below.

Open Surveys

Open Surveys

Burnout and work engagement of advanced practice cancer nurses in Australia | See survey link

Insights from Australian oncology nurses regarding current patient education practices | See survey link

Closed Surveys

2024 Closed Surveys

October: Development and pilot psychometric testing of a cancer nurse self-assessment tool (CaN-SAT) | See survey link

September: Burnout and work engagement of advanced practice cancer nurses in Australia | See survey link

August: Exploring acceptability of This is Me with multidisciplinary cancer clinicians | See survey link

July: Examining the Role of Nurses in Voluntary Assisted Dying in Australia | See survey link

June: Exploring perspectives of a nurse-led research program | See survey request

March: Cancer Survivorship Nursing Capabilities | See survey request

February: My Survivor Care Study - Managing Menopause after Cancer | See survey request

January: Optimised Specialised Nursing Care for Women with a Gynaecological Cancer | See survey request