Patients with difficult intravenous access

Version 1: January 2024

Patients with difficult intravenous access (DIVA) have reduced visible, palpable, quality or number of peripheral veins (1-25). Repeated or prolonged administration of intravenous therapies may result in a patient developing DIVA, making future venous access painful and distressing for the patient and family (1). DIVA considerably challenges first insertion success of peripheral cannulation without the employment of advanced techniques or technology by competent clinicians (26, 27). Patients with DIVA also provide considerable technical and time-consuming challenges for clinicians, as well as reduced efficiency and increased costs at a system level (28-32). Furthermore, insertion of a central venous access device (CVAD) may be appropriate if long-term therapy is required.

Approximately 8% - 12% of adult patients (3, 13, 33) and up to 24% – 35% (14, 20) in the perioperative and emergency departments have DIVA. In the paediatric patient population, DIVA rates vary from 9% (34) to 38% (10). The proportion of patients with DIVA in the cancer setting is currently unknown.

CNSA advocates for standardised, evidence based assessment of all patients prior to PIVC insertion, for early identification and management of DIVA. The aim is to preserve vein health of every patient.

Refer to algorithm below: Management pathway for insertion of Peripheral Intavenous Cannula (PIVC) incorporating Difficult Venous Access (DIVA) (for peripherally compatible infusates)

POSITION STATEMENT: Peripheral intravenous cannula insertion procedure using assistive visual technology including ultrasound and near infrared technology

As a part of developing these guidelines, we have prepared a position statement on Peripheral intravenous cannula insertion procedure using assistive visual technology including ultrasound and near infrared technology

Purpose: To provide evidence-based statements to inform safe, patient focused, standardised PIVC insertion procedures using assistive visual technology including ultrasound (US) or near infrared (NIR) technology.


Common language facilitates communication between professional and organisations, the translation of evidence into clinical practice, data sharing, and research. CNSAeviQ and eviQ Education are leading vascular access management and education in cancer care in Australia utilizing common, contemporary terminology (Table 1).

Terminology table.png

Table 1: CVAD terminology


Standard venous status assessment

1. CNSA recommends that clinicians complete a standardised, concise venous status assessment on all patients prior to commencing intravenous therapy to pre-emptively and consistently identify adult and paediatric patients with DIVA (3, 16, 31) including:

  • Vein palpability (1, 17, 20, 26, 27, 29, 35-43) GRADE IV
  • Vein visibility (1, 17, 20, 26, 27, 29, 35-43) GRADE IV
  • History of difficult access or use of advanced strategies to obtain vascular access (1, 13, 30, 31, 38-40, 44-52) including self-identification of their DIVA status (14, 45, 53-55) GRADE IV

2. CNSA recommends an evidence-based venous status assessment tool is documented in workplace procedures to standardise clinical management (40). GRADE IV

3. CNSA recommends a patient’s DIVA status is highlighted in a centralised location in the patient’s health record and is discussed with the patient and family for appropriate future management. GRADE CC

Identification of patients with DIVA

4. CNSA recommends if a patient has at least two of the three following risks factors:

  • reduced palpability or visibility of peripheral veins for the prescribed therapy, frequency and duration
  • history of difficult intravenous access or self-identification of difficulty by the patient
  • previous use of advanced strategies for peripheral intravenous cannula insertion documented in the health record or verbalised by the patient

Then to proceed with:

  • DIVA status is documented in the patient health record, discussed with the patient and family, and
  • Proceed directly to DIVA management.GRADE CC

5. CNSA recommends completing a comprehensive assessment of DIVA related factors if a clinician is uncertain or the assessment is unclear including:

  • Patient related factors: patient preference, vein characteristics, body mass index, diagnoses, age, sex, acuity. NB. Age related variables for paediatric (prematurity and age) and adult (elderly, frail) patients are also detailed (2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 17-19, 24-26, 28, 31, 33, 34, 56-61) GRADE IV
  • Therapy related factors: prior chemotherapy administration, previous VAD related complications (2, 4, 11, 13, 20, 21, 34, 51, 57, 58, 62, 63) GRADE IV
  • Clinician related factors: experience, skill, confidence (13, 16, 33, 51, 56, 59, 60, 64) GRADE IV
  • Workplace related factors: training and education, equipment, and technology (20, 65, 66) GRADE IV

Management of patients with DIVA

6. CNSA recommends the management of adult and paediatric patients with DIVA is performed by educated and competent clinicians (40, 66-69). GRADE IV

7. CNSA recommends advanced management of adults and paediatric patients with DIVA is implemented at the outset and not as a rescue strategy after failed PIVC insertion attempts (3, 20, 70). GRADE Ib

  • Advanced management includes:
    • 7.1 Patient related: patient preparation for the procedure and care during the dwell time including -
      • Education and communication regarding the procedure and dwell time, risks and benefits, what to expect, to report and to whom, and additionally in written form for (46, 66, 68, 71). GRADE IV
      • Preparation: communication and education about the procedure, adequate hydration, warmth, relaxation techniques, appropriate pain and anxiety management as required e.g. topical/ subdermal anaesthesia, child life specialists, distraction, virtual reality, socially assistive robots (46, 64, 66, 68, 71-92). GRADE III
      • Post procedure: application of cold pack after the procedure for comfort if required, education to reinforce what to report, when and to whom, (46, 66, 68, 71). GRADE IV
    • 7.2 Imaging technology:
      • Use imaging technology (46, 50, 57, 93, 94) during the insertion procedure, for example
        • ultrasound (3, 4, 13, 20, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39-41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 52, 53, 58, 63, 69, 70, 95-100) GRADE Ib OR
        • NIR or IR (46, 70, 90, 95, 101-105) GRADE Ib
      • Clinicians complete standardised, evidence based theoretical education and practical simulation, assessment of knowledge and practical skills, post supervised successful, independent practice attempts and competency is attained (106). GRADE IV
    • 7.3 Clinician related:
      • Referral to vascular access team or expert (3, 17, 27, 31, 36, 46, 57, 95, 107-109), for ultrasound guided insertion (39, 49) GRADE Ib
      • Insertion in the forearm, avoiding areas of flexion (13, 110), alternating arms for ongoing SACTs (111). GRADE IV
      • Topical application of heat prior to PIVC insertion procedure (112, 113), not for vein assessment GRADE III
      • Limit the number of attempts per clinician (10, 14, 17, 48) for example:
        • If after 1 failed attempt, if the clinician is not 80% confident (114) about a successful 2nd attempt, then do not proceed with 2nd attempt and escalate to more experienced vascular access clinician
        • If after 1 attempt (6) and the clinician is confident in their skills and patient’s venous status, then a 2nd attempt may be made
        • maximum total number of 3 IV attempts with referral to more experienced clinician (6, 10, 17, 57, 58, 95)
        • paediatric patients – 0 - 2 attempts by a clinician and early referral experienced clinician (70) or PICC for ≥2 failed PIVC attempts with competent inserters and visual technology e.g. ultrasound (70) GRADE Ib
    • 7.4 Product related:
      • Increased cannula length when deeper veins are accessed using ultrasound (3, 38, 50, 115) so at least 2.75cm and ideally two thirds of the cannula resides within the vein (44, 116, 117) (Table 2). GRADE IV
      • Peripheral venous cannula with guide wire (30, 43, 48). GRADE IV

For paediatric patients: consider ultrasound guided-PIVC insertion (29) and appropriate pain and anxiety management (17, 118-122) GRADE III

Table 2: Catheter size and length to vein scale


1.1 Summary of evidence

Patients experience of DIVA

Patients with DIVA use words such as horrible, anxiety, distressing, frightening, dread, fear and distress to describe the insertion procedures, and often experience multiple painful attempts, for example ten or more (32, 66, 123). Communication and education were poor, for example they were not told what to do if problems developed (66).

Identification of patients with DIVA

Authors identify over 25 patient, therapy, clinician, and workplace-related factors that potentially impact the health of peripheral veins in both adult and paediatric patients and contribute to DIVA. Different terminology is used to describe their tools including scale, algorithm, score, and instrument. The term tool will be used in this review. Also the majority of clinicians (84%) report that they do not use a DIVA assessment tool and there was no standardised management in their workplace (16).

Optimal DIVA management

This systematic review identified core clinical practices for optimal DIVA management. Standardised assessment of all patients prior to commencing intravenous therapy is required to pre-emptively and consistently identify patients with DIVA (3, 16, 31) to ensure the appropriate VAD is inserted and the insertion procedure is appropriately managed using advanced techniques or technologies (1, 3, 20, 31). Advanced management is implemented at the outset and not as a rescue approach for patients with DIVA (3, 20) to maximise first insertion success (124) and reduce patient distress and discomfort (1, 21, 66). This may include the use of assistive visual technology, for example ultrasound guidance (6, 16), referral to expert vascular access clinicians (31, 95, 125) and insertion into deeper veins using longer devices (3, 126). Alternatively, CVAD insertion may be required.

Benefits of optimal DIVA management

Expert and competent management of patients with DIVA at the outset, for example using ultrasound guidance has a diverse range of benefits for the patient, clinician, and healthcare organisation compared to the unassisted, traditional, blind technique. These benefits include reduced procedural pain (14, 41, 66, 127) when compared to unassisted insertions (1, 13, 27) and reduced anxiety (1, 66). Significantly higher satisfaction in adult (40, 47), and paediatric patients and parents is also evident (128).

USG-PIVC insertion offers positive benefits for clinicians and the healthcare organisation including reduced number of unsuccessful attempts (40, 41, 67), significantly fewer attempts when compared to traditional, blind, unassisted technique (13, 47, 98). This results in reduced procedural insertion time (27, 41, 67) with statistically shorter times (13, 98) that are twice as fast as unassisted or blind insertion technique in adult patients (47). In paediatric patients, time to successful cannulation was 6-7 times faster for USG-PIVC in a randomised controlled study in operating theatre and interventional radiology (29).

Timely, successful completion of the insertion procedure minimises interruptions to overall work flow of the clinician and the department (30, 31) preventing delays in obtaining blood specimens, commencing or continuing antibiotics and other prescribed therapies (14, 28, 40). This can be facilitated by a dedicated vascular access team (31). By incorporating ultrasound guidance for PIVC insertion, prompt commencement of therapy and reduction of insertion related complications (40, 41, 96) decreases the risk of poor outcomes (30, 31). The need for alternate access is reduced, for example intraosseous or centrally inserted central catheters in emergent situations (40, 44, 54) and the documented dwell time with USG-PIVC compared to unassisted insertions was longer, 2.3 days compared to 7.3 days respectively (128). Furthermore, expenditure can be reduced with successful first insertion (40).

Early identification of paediatric patients with DIVA is also beneficial so the most appropriate management strategies can be employed to maximise first time success when there is anticipated difficulty for PIVC insertion (10). This is particularly useful for clinicians whilst building their assessment skills and proficiency in PIVC insertion (10). Paediatric patient and parental distress and anxiety is reduced with first insertion success, and by demonstrating positive outcomes from informed decision making (10).

1.2 Practice Recommendation

  • 1.2.1 CNSA recommends that clinicians complete a standardised, concise venous status assessment on all patients prior to commencing intravenous therapy to pre-emptively and consistently identify adult and paediatric patients with DIVA (3, 16, 31) including:
    • Vein palpability (1, 17, 20, 26, 27, 29, 35-43) GRADE IV
    • Vein visibility (1, 17, 20, 26, 27, 29, 35-43) GRADE IV
    • History of difficult access or use of advanced strategies to obtain vascular access (1, 13, 30, 31, 38-40, 44-52) including self-identification of their DIVA status (14, 45, 53-55) GRADE IV
  • 1.2.2 CNSA recommends an evidence-based venous status assessment tool is documented in workplace procedures to standardise clinical management (40). GRADE IV
  • 1.2.3 CNSA recommends a patient’s DIVA status is highlighted in a centralised location in the patient’s health record and is discussed with the patient and family for appropriate future management. GRADE CC


2.1 Summary of evidence

The terms DIVA identification and DIVA prediction are used interchangeably in the literature (1, 12, 21, 22, 25, 56). Both types of tools identify similar variables, for example vein palpability and visibility, previous difficulty in venous access, medical conditions, previous intravenous therapy or the availability of one arm. However, the fundamental difference is that predictive tools are implemented prior to PIVC insertion, in order to identify patients with difficult access so advanced techniques can be employed from the outset (3, 67). Conversely, DIVA identification tools incorporate the number of failed attempts as part of the identification process and then an advanced strategy is employed (48, 54, 58, 95, 98). Also, Fiorini and colleagues (2021) developed and validated a proactive instrument for vessel health and preservation to identify patients with poor venous access using the same factors. The aim of these tools is to predict the likelihood or risk of a failed first insertion of a PIVC (1, 22) in order to prevent damage and preserve vein health for potential use in the future (7).

The complexity of each tool varies according to the number of variables included in the assessment, from three (12) to fifteen (7). Variables can be categorised as patient (vein characteristics, body mass index BMI, diagnoses, age, sex, acuity), therapy (previous complications, prior chemotherapy administration), clinician (experience, skill, confidence, history of failed attempts), and workplace related (training and education, equipment, and technology). Age related variables for paediatric (prematurity and age) and adult (elderly, frail) patients are also detailed. The tools include scoring systems (1, 3, 6, 10, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 95, 129) and flow diagrams (17, 36, 99). However, the applicability of the tool for use in the clinical setting is dependent on it being simple, easy, effective and efficient (21, 25) highlighting actions required based on the outcome of the assessment.

The following section will discuss the specific variables related to adult and paediatric patients.


Thirteen studies identified factors that increased risk of DIVA in the adult population. Studies included a quasi-experimental study (9); four large, observational studies (1, 3, 21, 22) and one with a Delphi component (14); three observational studies (5, 15, 23); an instrument development and validation study (7); a quality improvement study (6); survey and expert consensus (8) and a qualitative study (130).

Four types of risk factors were identified:

DIVA Risk Factors.png


Early identification of paediatric patients with DIVA aims to prevent a child undergoing multiple, painful and distressing PIVC attempts. Identification and initiation of appropriate management in the first instance including appropriate technology, clinician skill and technique is required to increase first time success and improve patient comfort and outcomes (17, 18, 70, 119, 129, 132).

Seven paediatric predictive tools identified two types of predictive risk factors for unsuccessful PIVC insertion and for patients with DIVA including:

1. Patient-related factors

  • Vein characteristics
    • poor visibility (10, 12, 17-19, 25)
    • poor palpability (10, 12, 17-19, 25)
  • Younger age
    • <12-18 months (10, 12, 17-19, 25, 58)
    • history of prematurity (10, 12, 17-19, 25)
  • History of difficult venous access: (17)
  • Urgency / elective need for venous access (17)
  • Diagnosis/es, medical history, comorbidity/ies
    • severe comorbidities, prolonged hospital care (17)
  • Skin
    • dark (12)

2. Clinician-related factors

  • Inserter skills (17, 19)
  • Number of procedures performed (17)
  • Clinician’s prediction of DIVA (57)


Some studies referred to DIVA definitions used by researchers in published studies (11, 13, 17, 20, 26, 27, 29-31, 33-35, 37-51, 58, 62, 98, 133). These definitions identified the various contributing factors as discussed above, with the most common being (1) poor vein palpability or (2) poor vein visibility (1, 17, 20, 26, 27, 29, 35-43), and (3) history of difficult access (1, 13, 30, 31, 38-40, 44-52).

A patient with cancer can inherently experience regular and repeated PIVC insertions over the course of diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and re-evaluation of their disease status (93). However, a patient’s self-identification of their DIVA status has only relatively recently been discussed in the literature (14, 45, 53, 54). This included a patient verbalising previous difficulty with insertion, multiple attempts or insertion failure (14, 53, 54, 127, 134), or previous use of advanced strategies such as insertion by experienced clinicians or use of ultrasound (45). In a scoping review of successful cannulation in patients with DIVA by non-medical clinicians, Burton and colleagues (2022) reported DIVA assessment varied considerably in the literature and included a patient reporting a history of difficulty (54). Bahl and colleagues (2022) used a patient self-reporting their DIVA status and at least one of five other factors to identify patients with DIVA (45). Obadeyi and colleagues’ (2020) DIVA assessment included asking a patient on average how many attempts were needed to successfully cannulate their veins and to estimate the score for PIVC insertion difficulty (53). Salleras-Duran and colleagues discussed a patient’s self-identification of their DIVA status but it was not included in the DIVA tool (14). This is relevant for patients with chronic diseases such as cancer.

2.2 Practice Recommendation

  • 2.2.1 CNSA recommends if a patient has at least two of the three following risks factors:
    • reduced palpability or visibility of peripheral veins for the prescribed therapy, frequency and duration
    • history of difficult intravenous access or self-identification of difficulty by the patient
    • previous use of advanced strategies for peripheral intravenous cannula insertion documented in the health record or verbalised by the patient
  • Then to proceed with:
    • DIVA status is documented in the patient health record, discussed with the patient and family, and
    • Proceed directly to DIVA management.


  • 2.2.2 CNSA recommends completing a comprehensive assessment of DIVA related factors if a clinician is uncertain or the assessment is unclear including:
    • Patient related factors: patient preference, vein characteristics, body mass index, diagnoses, age, sex, acuity. NB. Age related variables for paediatric (prematurity and age) and adult (elderly, frail) patients are also detailed (2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 17-19, 24-26, 28, 31, 33, 34, 56-61) GRADE IV
    • Therapy related factors: prior chemotherapy administration, previous VAD related complications (2, 4, 11, 13, 20, 21, 34, 51, 57, 58, 62, 63) GRADE IV
    • Clinician related factors: experience, skill, confidence (13, 16, 33, 51, 56, 59, 60, 64) GRADE IV
    • Workplace related factors: training and education, equipment, and technology (20, 65, 66) GRADE IV


3.1 Summary of evidence

Proactive or reactive approaches to DIVA management were evident in the included studies. The proactive approach utilized the identification tool to identify patients with DIVA and implemented advanced interventions at the outset to maximise first insertion success (3, 20, 67). Other studies detailed the number of failed attempts per clinician or total number of attempts before escalation to advanced strategies (4, 6, 10, 14-16, 48, 57, 58, 95, 97). However, to prevent patient pain and distress associated with repeated PIVC failure, appropriate clinical management for the individual patient is implemented (35, 36, 66).

Management of patients with DIVA is performed by educated, competent clinicians. Competency is associated with didactic and practical education, and the appropriate volume and frequency of procedures required by the individual clinician to develop the necessary skill and knowledge for first insertion success (17, 19, 20, 46, 56, 129). Patients identified communication, and competent and confident clinicians are important (66, 68).


Management of adult patients with DIVA include:

1. Patient related management

  • Education and communication regarding what to expect, to report and to whom, the risks and benefits, adequate hydration and exercise (46, 66, 68, 71)
  • Preparation: alongside the venous assessment prior to commencement of intravenous therapy, patient preparation includes communication about the procedure, hydration, warmth, relaxation techniques and appropriate pain relief if required e.g. topical/subdermal anaesthesia (46, 64, 66, 68, 71-84, 91, 135)
  • Post procedure: application of cold pack after the procedure for comfort if required, reinforce what to report, when and to whom, (46, 66, 68, 71)

2. Technology or product related management

  • Use of imaging technology (46, 50, 57, 93) for example ultrasound increases the rate of first time success (3, 4, 13, 20, 27, 30, 33, 37, 40, 41, 43, 46, 47, 52, 53, 55, 58, 63, 95-97, 100, 136, 137) from 80% (98) to up to 93% assisted (27, 28, 35, 39, 44) when completed by a competent clinician (40). Alternatively, using a modified Seldinger Technique with ultrasound, that is using ultrasound to insert a needle into a deep vein in the arm and threading a cannula over the needle into the vein (52). First time success rate was nearly 2 (128) to 3-fold (67) with ultrasound guidance compared to unassisted insertion or standard of care, or use of NIR or IR (46, 95, 105).

3. Clinician related management

  • Location
    • PIVC insertion in the forearm avoiding areas of flexion (13, 110)
    • Alternating arms for ongoing SACT (111)
  • Attempts:
    • Specified limit of the number of attempts per clinician (10, 14, 17, 48), for example 2 per nurse (6)
    • Limiting the total number of IV attempts before escalation (17, 57) for example three (10, 95) or 4 (6, 58), 6 (10) in paediatric and adult patients. In a survey , 75% (n = 111) reported no limit for the total number of insertion attempts permitted in order to successfully inset at PIVC. (16)
  • Referral:
    • to an expert vascular access team or specialist (3, 17, 27, 31, 36, 46, 57, 95, 109, 138)
    • medical staff (20, 33, 48, 63, 67) for ultrasound guidance (39, 49)
    • senior clinicians (10, 13, 23, 37), for example paediatric anaesthetist with at least 5 years’ experience (95)

4. Product related:

  • increased cannula length: access of deeper veins using ultrasound requires longer cannulas (6), for example 6cm (38) or 8-10 cm or a midline catheter (3, 50, 139, 140) so at least 2.7cm and ideally two thirds of the cannula resides within the vein (44, 116, 117)
  • guide wire– peripheral venous cannula: to decrease the risk of puncturing the posterior vein wall, decrease trauma to the vein and ability to access deeper veins (48), a cannula with a guidewire which extended into the vein through the cannula achieved 100% success rate in patients with DIVA within three attempts (30, 43)


Management of paediatric patients with DIVA with assistive visualisation technology, for example ultrasound or NIR (29, 70, 141) and appropriate pain and anxiety management including child life specialists, distraction, virtual reality, socially-assistive robots (17, 87, 92, 118, 122, 132, 142-146).

3.2 Practice Recommendation

  • 3.2.1 CNSA recommends the management of adult and paediatric patients with DIVA is performed by educated and competent clinicians (40, 66-69). GRADE IV
  • 3.2.2 CNSA recommends advanced management of adults and paediatric patients with DIVA is implemented at the outset and not as a rescue strategy after failed PIVC insertion attempts (3, 20, 70). GRADE Ib
  • Advanced management includes:
    • Patient related: patient preparation for the procedure and care during the dwell time including -
      • Education and communication regarding the procedure and dwell time, risks and benefits, what to expect, to report and to whom, and additionally in written form for (46, 66, 68, 71). GRADE IV
      • Preparation: communication and education about the procedure, adequate hydration, warmth, relaxation techniques, appropriate pain and anxiety management as required e.g. topical/ subdermal anaesthesia, child life specialists, distraction, virtual reality, socially assistive robots (46, 64, 66, 68, 71-92). GRADE III
      • Post procedure: application of cold pack after the procedure for comfort if required, education to reinforce what to report, when and to whom, (46, 66, 68, 71). GRADE IV
    • Imaging technology:
      • Use imaging technology (46, 50, 57, 93, 94) during the insertion procedure, for example
        • ultrasound (3, 4, 13, 20, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39-41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 52, 53, 58, 63, 69, 70, 95-100) GRADE Ib OR
        • NIR or IR (46, 70, 90, 95, 101-105) GRADE Ib
      • Clinicians complete standardised, evidence based theoretical education and practical simulation, assessment of knowledge and practical skills, post supervised successful, independent practice attempts and competency is attained (106). GRADE IV
    • Clinician related:
      • Referral to vascular access team or expert (3, 17, 27, 31, 36, 46, 57, 95, 107-109), for ultrasound guided insertion (39, 49) GRADE Ib
      • Insertion in the forearm, avoiding areas of flexion (13, 110), alternating arms for ongoing SACTs (111). GRADE IV
      • Topical application of heat prior to PIVC insertion procedure (112, 113), not for vein assessment GRADE III
      • Limit the number of attempts per clinician (10, 14, 17, 48) for example:
        • If after 1 failed attempt, if the clinician is not 80% confident (114) about a successful 2nd attempt, then do not proceed with 2nd attempt and escalate to more experienced vascular access clinician
        • If after 1 attempt (6) and the clinician is confident in their skills and patient’s venous status, then a 2nd attempt may be made
        • maximum total number of 3 IV attempts with referral to more experienced clinician (6, 10, 17, 57, 58, 95)
        • paediatric patients – 0 - 2 attempts by a clinician and early referral experienced clinician (70) or PICC for ≥2 failed PIVC attempts with competent inserters and visual technology e.g. ultrasound (70) GRADE Ib
    • Product related:
      • Increased cannula length when deeper veins are accessed using ultrasound (3, 38, 50, 115) so at least 2.75cm and ideally two thirds of the cannula resides within the vein (44, 116, 117) (Table 2). GRADE IV
      • Peripheral venous cannula with guide wire (30, 43, 48). GRADE IV

For paediatric patients: consider ultrasound guided-PIVC insertion (29) and appropriate pain and anxiety management (17, 118-122) GRADE III


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7.            Fiorini J, Piredda M, Zaghini F, Venturini G, Colella S, Conti F, et al. Vessel health and preservation: Development and validation of a proactive instrument. Collegian. 2021;28(5):528-33.

8.            Magallon-Pedrera I, Perez-Altozano J, Virizuela Echaburu JA, Beato-Zambrano C, Borrega-Garcia P, de la Torre-Montero JC. ECO-SEOM-SEEO safety recommendations guideline for cancer patients receiving intravenous therapy. Clinical & translational oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico. 2020;22(11):2049-60.

9.            Moondeep K, Anil K, Anshul D. Effect of Moist Heat Therapy on the Visibility and Palpability of Peripheral Veins Before Peripheral Venous Cannulation among Patients Undergoing Intravenous Cannulation- A Quasi Experimental Study. International Journal of Nursing Care. 2020;8(2):Oct-14.

10.         O'Neill MB, Dillane M, Hanipah NF. Validating the difficult intravenous access clinical prediction rule. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2012;28(12):1314-6.

11.         Pagnutti L, Bin A, Donato R, Di Lena G, Fabbro C, Fornasiero L, et al. Difficult intravenous access tool in patients receiving peripheral chemotherapy: A pilot-validation study. European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society. 2016;20:58-63.

12.         Riker MW, Kennedy C, Winfrey BS, Yen K, Dowd MD. Validation and refinement of the difficult intravenous access score: a clinical prediction rule for identifying children with difficult intravenous access. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. 2011;18(11):1129-34.

13.         Rodriguez-Calero MA, de Pedro-Gomez JE, Molero-Ballester LJ, Fernandez-Fernandez I, Matamalas-Massanet C, Moreno-Mejias L, et al. Risk Factors for Difficult Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation. The PIVV2 Multicentre Case-Control Study. Journal of clinical medicine. 2020;9(3).

14.         Salleras-Duran L, Fuentes-Pumarola C, Ballester-Ferrando D, Congost-Devesa L, Delclos-Rabassa J, Fontova-Almato A. Development, Diagnostic Sensitivity, and Prognostic Accuracy of the Adult-Difficult Venous Catheterization Scale for Emergency Departments. Journal of emergency nursing. 2020;46(6):827-37.e2.

15.         Santos-Costa P, Sousa LB, van Loon FHJ, Salgueiro-Oliveira A, Parreira P, Vieira M, et al. Translation and Validation of the Modified A-DIVA Scale to European Portuguese: Difficult Intravenous Access Scale for Adult Patients. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2020;17(20).

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