Annual Congress

Our 2025 Congress is a collaborative event between CNSA and the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) focussed on the theme of Global Voices, Local Actions: From Inspiration to Implementation.

We are privileged to partner with ISNCC for this landmark event and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to host cancer nurses from around the world here in Australia. Following a successful event in in 2024 centred on Innovative Quality Care in a Digital Era, we will be returning to the Adelaide Convention Centre for this combined international Congress.

In this era of global connectivity, we see the Congress as a way of showcasing the important role of cancer nurses across the world – and providing a forum to share the nurse-led innovations and interventions that can be implemented in local healthcare settings. 

This year’s congress features several enhancements to boost our delegate experience. We have extended the program by an additional half-day to offer more sessions and learning opportunities, and attendees will benefit from a broader range of international keynote speakers, sharing their knowledge and insights. This event also presents a unique chance to network with peers from around the world, as we all work towards our shared goal of improving outcomes for people affected by cancer.


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