Professorial Advisory Council

The aim of the Professorial Advisory Council (PAC) is to provide the Board of Directors and the CNSA Executive Officer with high level, expert and independent advice on CNSA’s strategy and efforts in the areas of research, education, advocacy and policy matters concerning cancer care and the nursing profession. All CNSA members who are Full Members or Honorary Life Members and have been conferred with a Professorship by a University (full, emeritus, honorary, and adjunct) are invited to join the

Professor Benjamin Tan
Professor Catherine Paterson
Professor Debbie Kirk
Professor Jane Phillips
Professor Karen Strickland
Professor Kate White
Professor Kim Alexander
Professor Leanne Monterosso
Professor Marion Eckert
Professor Mei Krishnasamy
Professor Natalie Bradford
Distinguished Professor Patsy Yates
Professor Raymond Chan
Professor Sanchia Aranda AM